What It Feels Like To Be 16.
16 is the age most youngsters dream of. It even comes with the prefix 'sweet'. Of course it feels sweet to be 16. 16 is the age when we get to experience identity crisis in its full potency. When we get to have the adequate knowledge of good and evil. When we get to choose what we would become. When some of us at some parts of the globe are able to get our driving license. When we are able to go on as many dates. When we get to have parties and sleepovers. When we can be young, wild and free.
Now, the question is " is that all there is to being 16? Is that what it all sums up to? Being young, wild, and free? I don't think so. There's a lot more to being 16 than that.
Turning 16 has been the best and the worst thing that has ever happened to me. It has been something that has made me feel somewhat like an adult. I am now expected to make my decisions myself. No one bothers to ask how I'm doing. They just ask what I'm doing. I am expected to discover myself all by MYSELF. I am expected to seek out my flaws as well as my power buttons, which never seemed to be 'my business' all these years, to enable me become a better person. I am left to choose between good and evil, with my conscience as my only adviser; somehow, the propensity to choose evil over good comes with the age 16. At 16, I am expected to discover what it is, what vision, what ideology, what movement, it is that I'd be willing to give my life up for to achieve its realization. At 16, I am expected to discover what I'll do with the age 16.
Should I go partying or stay up studying? Should I go to the movies or attend a church program? Should I watch 'Two and a half men' all day or watch Professor Chang teach Chemistry? Should I go to school or attend a midday Beyoncé concert? Should I obey mum and dad, or should I just get out there and get drunk, drugged, and done? So many questions.
At 16, we are left to answer these questions and many more, usually within a split second.
There's more to being 16 than being 16. At 16, choose your habits properly; choose your friend carefully; carve out opportunities diligently. Let your principles stand as a firewall against the growing immorality and irrationality. Make your decisions without ignoring the counsel of your conscience. Stand up for something. I stand up for change.
Make the right choice before you read the next sentence. If you have, have a happy life at 16.
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