African Leadership Academy (ALA) 2016/2017 Applications now open!

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The African Leadership Academy is a post-secondary. pre-university, academy that breeds the younger generation of African leaders. It was founded by Fred Swaniker, Chris Bradford, Acha Leke, and Peter Mombaur who are all graduates from Stanford University, USA. Through partnership with several leading global institutions, ALA students get the very best opportunities to further their studies into the very best universities in the world.

Criteria For Admission

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ALA students are a dynamic set of students who are carefully selected from throughout the African continent. The academy combs the continent for the biggest young minds who combine academic excellence with leadership potentials alongside a passion for Africa. ALA looks for students who exhibit:
  1. Entrepreneural Spirit
  2. Leadership Potential
  3. Passion for Africa
  4. Commitment to Service
  5. Academic achievement.

Age Requirement

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The African Leadership Academy accepts students who, at the time they start classes at ALA, are 16-19 years old. To apply for the 2016-2017 school year, you must have been born between September 1996 and September 2000. Applicants above the age of 19 should strongly consider applying to the African Leadership University (ALU) via []

Applications start September 4, 2015.

Early decision deadline is on October 31, 2015.

Regular decisions deadline is on December 15, 2015.

Click Here to apply