Leaders Of Tomorrow? True or False?

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Since I was growing up, I've been told that I am the leader of tomorrow. I've slept and woken up for sixteen years, two months, and twenty days without seeing myself in the office a leader should occupy. Then I asked myself "does leadership entail just sitting in an office and having lots of power over a billion people?", "does leadership entail having a lot of money to buy a city and plant myself in the seat of government?" "does leadership entail having a lot of power and influence to loot a bank without anyone batting an eyelid?"
I answered all my questions to the negative. Leadership, as I discovered, entails having the guts to tell a billion people "Hey, we've been doing this and that for too long. we should rather do this, because we stand to gain this. Although we are against the odds of this and that, we can still achieve this and that if we stick to this and that. What are your suggestions, complaints, or criticisms?"
I first thought that leadership could only be applied to a city, state, or country, but I now realize that that thought is as inappropriate as thinking of having Michael Jackson a wrestler. I discovered that I could exercise leadership in all ramifications of my life. I discovered that I am not the leader of tomorrow, but of today. I discovered that I had actually been waiting all these years to be elected president of my country, then I could be said to be a leader. 
We are only as much leaders as we choose to be. We could decide to depend on the society and our physical environment to make us feel like leaders when we can appoint ourselves leaders and still have sense of leadership. How? that's the question you would be asking at this point. The answer to the question is you can be a leader today by firstly, changing your mindset. Eliminate all thoughts of being a leader of tomorrow. Admit only the thoughts that reinforce the fact that you are the leader of today. Thoughts that open your mind to your responsibilities as a leader. Begin to think about solutions to the problems around you. Confront them head-on; take them by the you-know-what. Proffer solutions to each of them. Do not cause problems yourself rather, solve them. Begin creating blueprints of ways to make your society a better place. Start by doing something yourself. I decided to start blogging, and inspire young African leaders like myself to solve the problems of our continent. Make my blueprints public via my posts to make room for creative, constructive, and corrective criticsms from the readers of my blogs. 
To become a leader of today, start doing something today. Start up something. Light the candle of your entrepreneurial abilities. Be self-aware. Know what you can, and cannot do. Discover your weaknesses and your power buttons. Develop your unique talents. Use them for the benefit of your world. Use them to inspire more people. If we can all take up initiative and start something from somewhere, our world wold definitely become a better place.
Remember that whatever change that occurs on the outside, starts on the inside. Stay creative. +AfricanLeadershipAcademy