Being Limitless Is A Lifestyle
Often times, we tell ourselves that we are not good enough to do this or to do that. Most times it is because we feel we are limited to certain resources. Honestly, I am one of the few people that believe that humans are created without a limit. Simply put, we are all unlimited. We are designed in such a way that only one person has the potency to set a limit to our abilities; that person is you. As the Christians put it, “we are made in the image of God”. This speaks of the truth of our power. If we can see above our environment, we can achieve the ‘impossible’.Most world renowned people that have achieved great feats and left a mark in our hearts as people that define the concept of success, used this principle. Basically, this principle of ‘limitlessness’ has taken over the globe. We currently live in a world where people that are able to break the chains that inhibit their greatness are idolised. Most scientific revolutions are children of this concept. They all started as thoughts in the mind then, they developed into paradigms and then into models, now, they are generally accepted. If we should all set limits for ourselves, we would not even be able or willing to get up from our beds in the mornings. Being limitless, is a thing of the mind. I always say that “the mind is the greatest weapon given to humans by nature”. Our minds are so powerful that if we have something we want to achieve and without doubt at all, we believe that we will achieve it, we will. Our minds are the ‘wrecking balls’ that demolish whatever limitations we may have. No feat is ‘impossible’ because, we have minds that are programmed to achieve them. Developing our imagination, simultaneously develops our minds. If we can imagine problem-solving paradigms, ‘utopian’ ideas that are above our present capacity and set our minds to achieve them, we will. Ever wondered where the word ‘mindset’ came from? I have. I came with the thesis that the word talks about where the mind is set, how the mind is set and why the mind is set. I likened it to a bullet, yes a bullet, if a bullet is shot at a target, aimed with dexterous precision, it gets there knocking off any thing (limitation) in its path. So is the functioning of our minds. Setting limits for ourselves would only hamper our progress
For this reason, I love my continent, Africa. We do not accept the limits that other people or the world sets for us, we define ourselves. We are people that are not afraid to break off the chains binding our development. We see ourselves as the best continent on the globe because we have people that think like gods. They believe that they are created without any boundaries whatsoever. People that are not satisfied with the current state of the continent. They are not willing to accept that Africa is poor or sated with corruption. They change this by changing themselves via changing their thoughts and imaginations. We are who we say we are. The only version of us people see is the version we present to them. Whatever we set our minds to, we can achieve. Thus, we are as limitless as we choose to be. To illustrate, here is the story of a man who saw himself as being limitless and rose from his physical limitations to glory, visit:
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