Arinze Obiezue, 16-year old founder of Inspiring Africa obtains international recognition from the National Society of High SChool Scholars (NSHSS)
The Inspiring Africa team wishes to congratulate our Founder, and administrator of Arinze's Blog, , Arinze Obiezue, on his most recent induction into the National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS) which was founded by the grand-nephew of the founder of the most famous Nobel Prizes, Mr. Claes Nobel. The society recognizes and inducts high school students who have distinguished themselves in the fields of academics and leadership.
If you have excelled in academics and leadership and would want to be inducted into the National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS) which was founded by the grand-nephew of the Founder of the Nobel Prizes, Mr. Claes Nobel, you could nominate yourself, and get lots of people to nominate you.
Follow the site below to access the NSHSS nomination forms.
Follow the site below to access the NSHSS nomination forms.
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