The Secret Behind Pornography

14:08:00 Unknown 0 Comments

Hello Teens, It’s your favourite topic!
Image result for no to porn

I know this subject of pornography is no stranger to the world of teenagers out there. For those of you who may still claim naïve on this issue of pornography, lemme define this. Pornography is the display of nude, semi-nude, sexually-arousing images, videos, or even texts…yes even text! If you’re someone like me, by that I mean someone who grew up in the 21st century where anything can be gotten from the internet by just a few click of a few buttons, you would know that since the commencement of the internet era (i.e. post-1995) the use of pornography has become widespread.

teens and porn
I know that this is a very touchy subject as only about one out of twenty teenagers can attest to having never viewed porn. I am not writing this post to make you stop viewing porn (although that wouldn't be such a bad idea), I am writing this post to expose the secrets behind porn and help you reduce your viewing of porn and maintain healthy social and sexual lives.
The mistake that most parents make when they catch their teens viewing porn is to seize their electronic gadgets such as: laptops, mobile phones, ipads, tablets, etc. Honestly, it is high time someone told them that doing that has little or no effect on curbing our viewing of porn, most times it makes us even have a deeper craving for it. Once one has started viewing porn, depending on his or her psychological make-up, it is quite a task to cease. Therefore, the wisest thing that parents could do is to make sure that their teen does not make it an addiction. Definitely, it is no surprise that with the arrival of adolescence comes the desire to explore everything—good or bad. If the parents can counsel their teens, and make them see that their newly-found desires should not scare them but are evanescent things that should be curbed.

I guess we now know what porn is, it’s time to tell you what it does to you:
It turns you into an addict. Everyone knows how addictive porn can be. Once one starts it is very difficult to stop. Therefore, you just want more and more of that stuff. This is just one of the bad things porn does to you.
It turns you into a pervert. This is usually true because it’s like you’re trying to see that which you see on a 2D screen in 3D or rather, hi-definition, lol. This is very bad, because it would hamper your communication with people. You would tend to drift off during conversations because instead of focusing on the discussion, you’d be busy imagining the person nude or half-nude.
It kills your social life. Most porn addicts have attested to having spent more time watching porn or simply visualizing porn scenes than actually having contact with people. That makes them sociopaths, sort of. You would rather spend thirty minutes watching a clip of hard-core porn than having a discussion with your friends, much less with family. This is what porn does to you.
It makes your relationships last as long as it takes you to blink. Firstly, you would find it very difficult having relationships. It is a fact that most porn makers use picture-perfect girls and studs to feature in their porn wares. Therefore, when you’re looking for a partner, a boyfriend, or a girlfriend, you tend to look for someone who is picture-perfect, or rather, flawless. Let’s face it, there is virtually nobody who is without a flaw. Therefore, once you start a relationship with this hot girl, or guy, and you notice a flaw, the relationship is over. Porn never shows the real-life flaws of an individual such as that smelly mouth, or those gross armpits, those infected pubic region, they show you only one thang—flawless.
It reduces your mental stability. The day before the Canadian survey appeared, a study came out in JAMA Psychiatry. Researchers had scanned the brains of porn users and found: 
1)     There was a correlation between time spent viewing porn and reduced grey matter in their brains' reward circuitry (which governs motivation and appetites).
2)     The reward circuitry, which lights up in response to sexual stimuli, showed less activation the more porn individuals had watched (both per week and over the years) even if they weren't addicted.
3)     The connection between the pre-frontal cortex, the "executive control" part of the brain, and the reward circuitry was weaker the more porn the users watched -- a risk for impaired decision making.
(Source: Huffingtonpost)
It causes porn-induced erectile dysfunction. This usually occurs in porn addicts who view porn and masturbate simultaneously.
It makes you insecure. Very few people are proud to admit that they view porn or have even ever viewed porn. Therefore, it always feels like there’s this big secret you’re hiding and you may even become paranoid about people going close to your gadgets as it would reveal what kind of stuff you view.

Having said all this, I hope I have revealed a few of the kind of stuff porn viewing does to us, teens. More often than not, it would give a sense of pleasure, but obviously, the disadvantages outnumber the advantages. The choice is yours, it’s you call. After reading this, you may choose to stop viewing porn or to simply reduce your viewing of porn, or you may even just close this page and continue in your old ways. Whichever you may choose, it’s your decision. As for me, I stopped viewing porn when I found out about all this sometime in January 2014.

If you have any questions or contributions to this, please drop a comment.