African Leadership Academy (ALA) 2016/2017 Applications now open!

18:55:00 Unknown 0 Comments

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The African Leadership Academy is a post-secondary. pre-university, academy that breeds the younger generation of African leaders. It was founded by Fred Swaniker, Chris Bradford, Acha Leke, and Peter Mombaur who are all graduates from Stanford University, USA. Through partnership with several leading global institutions, ALA students get the very best opportunities to further their studies into the very best universities in the world.

Criteria For Admission

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ALA students are a dynamic set of students who are carefully selected from throughout the African continent. The academy combs the continent for the biggest young minds who combine academic excellence with leadership potentials alongside a passion for Africa. ALA looks for students who exhibit:
  1. Entrepreneural Spirit
  2. Leadership Potential
  3. Passion for Africa
  4. Commitment to Service
  5. Academic achievement.

Age Requirement

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The African Leadership Academy accepts students who, at the time they start classes at ALA, are 16-19 years old. To apply for the 2016-2017 school year, you must have been born between September 1996 and September 2000. Applicants above the age of 19 should strongly consider applying to the African Leadership University (ALU) via []

Applications start September 4, 2015.

Early decision deadline is on October 31, 2015.

Regular decisions deadline is on December 15, 2015.

Click Here to apply


Happy 34th Birthday, Beyonce

18:21:00 Unknown 0 Comments

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We have all at some point been blown away by the talent and amazing personality of this icon celebrated today - Beyonce Knowles Carter (a.k.a Queen B, although I prefer Queen Bee)
First of all, you started off with Destiny's Child, before you went solo in 2003.

You have been at the top of your game since then.

Who else has won 20 Grammy Awards if not you, Beyonce?

Your songs have put me to bed at times when I felt depressed.
Your passion for music has inspired not just me, but an entire generation of teenagers all over the world.
Your concern in socio-political affairs is one that remains unmatched.
Despite all the controversy, you still manage to keep your head high, your shoulders raised and still excel at what you do.
Despite all the challenges, you still rise like a phoenix bigger and better.
Which other entertainer would speak at the United Nations, in front of world-renowned diplomats, and they listen if not you, Beyonce?
Through your music you ave touched lives, inspired, motivated and even challenged people.
Which other entertainer balances their work and their parental duties as good as you, Beyonce?
Which other entertainer has their career booming even as their ages go up the scale if not you, Beyonce?
Which entertainer has been crowned Queen other than you, Beyonce?
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I know it may seem crazy, but you were my childhood celebrity crush! Keep doing what you do. We would always be proud of you, Beyonce! As you turn 34 today, have fun. There's no other royalty in the entertainment industry but you. Have fun like the Queen you are. Happy Birthday!


Tips To Ensure a Splendid September!

16:48:00 Unknown 2 Comments

Hello Teens,

Happy September

So the first thing I would do now is to apologize for my absence. It's been over two weeks since I made any post. You know that awkward time when you want to do something, but you always seem to postpone it? Well, that's what happened to me. Also, come on! I'm a teenager too, nobody likes to get too worked up, right? Well, regardless, I'm back. Although I have a busy schedule, I'll try to keep posting as frequently as possible.

So back to business!!!

Back To School Stress
September is one of the most stressful months for a lot of teens around the world. Getting over the fun from the intense summer vacation and going back to school was never something that I enjoyed. Some of us would be going back to high school, others would move on to college--that's where sh** get's serious, take note.
So you may be surprised that this young chap would be talking about having fun in September, well the truth is you can! So I'm going to give a list of stuff that you could do to have a splendid September!

For Teens Who Have Already Gone Back To School

#1 - Go swimming!
Go Swimming
Let's face it...August and September are the coolest months to go swimming. Why don't you then throw yourself into that lovely pool and swim away? This is a very good way to calm your nerves after that steamy Advanced Math class.

#2 - Visit Friends
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We may not know this, but whenever teenagers are surrounded by friends, they tend to be more relaxed and more productive. Cut out time from your schedule to go have some fun with your friends.

#3 - Go To The Gym
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As much as the holiday is over, ther's some good news. You have almost a year to build your body into the perfect shape for next year's summer. Imagine next year, you'd go to the beach and you feel good taking off your shirt or wearing those bikinis because you're more confident of your body. That would be awesome. So the journey towards that point starts now!

#4 - Go To A Concert
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A concert is just one of the few places you can go to have a nice time. After a long week of school work, going to a concert to have some fun wouldn't be such a bad idea.

There are so many more on my list, but I'll just leave you with these ones because I believe that they are the most effective.

For Teens Who Are Starting College Later On
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College is going to be the most intense period of your life yet. Why did I say that? Well, College is simply the period for make it or break it. It's the period when your life is formed. All that fortune you aspire to enjoy later in life starts now! Some of us are so excited to start school at the university, while others aren't. In either case, use this period to enjoy your wait. I'll be starting college in January and trust me, that's a very long wait, but I've devised means to keep my mind busy. I'll share them with you:

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I know that this may sound boring, but trust me if you read the right books you'd ave one heck of a joyride. For example, I just read Robert Greene's "The 48 Laws Of Power" even though it's presumed to be a for-adults book. I learnt a whole lot from that book that can help me thrive with ease even among adults. The next thing I want to do is to read all Robert Greene's books and also the entire Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling. Doing these things would help take my mind off the anxiety of college resumption.

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Either way you look at it, it's always beneficial to learn how to play a musical instruments. Not only does it keep you calm and happy, you acquire a skill! Probably, when you get to college, you could even earn extra dough from playing at parties or events. Why should you do this? Learning how to play a musical instrument takes a lot of time and effort so you wouldn't even know how time would pass while you're learning it.

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Starting a blog does not necessarily mean that you would start making money. Use the blog as a medium of expression and just put your thoughts out there. Frequent updating of your blog would keep your mind off our resumption at college for a while.

#4 - Spend Time With Friends And Family
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You're waiting to start school at college. It may be in a different country or city from where parents are. You're going too stay away from them for quite a while during the period you're going to be at school. So have a nice time with them from this September till when you leave for college.

These are the things I believe that doing them would ensure that you have an awesome September whether you're at school or you're about to start school.

If you have a any comment or contribution or question, drop it below.