Are we One?

09:13:00 Unknown 1 Comments

I strongly believe that despite our differences and apparent dissimilarities, we are all one and the same. So many principles contradicting this belief have cropped up in the world in the recent past. We have now ‘graduated’ from racial discrimination to discrimination of background, sex, religion, physical features, sexual orientation, level of literacy and so many more obscure forms of discrimination. This concept of discrimination has troubled me for years. We are all who we are, discrimination is therefore uncalled-for. We go out everyday to meet people of various backgrounds. If we see that this man or this woman is black, illiterate, poor, crippled,gay/lesbian, muslim/christian/occultist, we should not discriminate against such a person. I see people that discriminate as having a mental disorder because, if they didn’t, they would not feel superior to anyone. Creating that pseudo-sensation of superiority, depicts a psychologically troubled person. Today, the world is in a cold war against this discrimination phenomenon because it is the root of most crimes. If we can all feel that sense of unity that binds us together as one people, most of these crimes and acts of terrorism would be put in proper check. To prove the fact that we are one, astronomers have studied and come up with the postulate that we were all formed through a cosmic explosion that simultaneously led to the formation of the universe. This postulate is known today as the ‘Big Bang Theory’. This theory never stated that we were formed from seven billion explosions but ONE explosion. The ‘We Are One’ theme song of Disney’s ‘Lion King’ said it all.

We overcame the racial discrimination by an encouraging percentage thus, we have a black man in the White House. As we have noticed, our victory over racial discrimination has done us a whole lot of good, but what about the newly discovered forms of discrimination? We have now resorted to male-female discrimination, gay-straight discrimination, african-American discrimination, elite-illiterate discrimination. Why all these? Why do we feel superior? Why do we feel better than one another? Why do we feel richer, stronger,more fortunate? United we stand, but divided we fall like dominoes. So many unanswered question, but the truth still remains that WE ARE ONE; whether we choose to accept it or not. We will still keep on fighting for equality in all ramifications till the death. Don’t sit there and be satisfied with the discrimination. Join the fight against it. Individually, we could achieve little, but doing it together, we are powerful. People commit suicides everyday due to depression caused by this discrimination. Stand up against it. We Are One. #AfricaRising