Neo-Agnosticism - the Religion of the New World
Hey Teens,
So I know that this would be a very touchy subject for most of you who may identify as Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, or even atheists, but I believe that religion is overrated.
Most people nowadays quickly fill themselves under some religious umbrella. In most cases, one which they did not even get to choose. What do I mean? Most of the religious people today, identify with a religion, not because it was their choice but because it was the religion of their parents; so much for ingenuity.
So traditional agnosticism is the belief that man lacks the capacity to either prove or disprove the existence of God or the Supreme Being. More like:
Person A: Did you know that God exists?
Agnostic Person: Lol, okay. *smirk*
Person B: Did you know that God does not exist?
Agnostic Person: Lol, okay. *smirk*
Get the picture now?

However, I'd like to prick the theory of traditional agnosticism a bit. If there is anything I know; anything at all, it is that God exists.
Nature, like any other thing in the world, would fall into utter anarchy if there is nobody or nothing guiding, or controlling it. Therefore, I choose to believe in a Supreme Being who holds all the forces of the universe together. A Being who creates life, a Being who nurtures life, a Being who takes life.
You must have deduced it by now. Neo-Agnosticism is the belief in the existence of a Supreme Being without having to be closeted under a given religious umbrella.
With the direction the world is taking, we are gradually experiencing the drowning of religions. Religions all over the world, rather than sticking to their faith and worshipping their gods, are going at each other tooth-and-nail; the most popular being the centuries-long brawl between Christianity and Islam.
The globalisation of the world, as well as the rapid rise of pop culture, would eventually lead the phasing out of religious doctrines.
The only thing left standing would be neo-agnosticism.
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Interesting ideology. I surely do support your stance on this as I am not a religious person myself. Does God exist? yes, he does: Unless otherwise He(She) is the reason of what we see and touch and why they came into being. Religion has been a tool of oppression for so many people and it does not leave room for people to explore who this God is, rather it ties people to duties like an Ox on the York. Get me correctly I am not saying that I am agnostic like you because that too sort of becomes a bias to experience whether God does exist or not. If you believe God exist, then at least he(she) can be in any form that represents a supernatural connection for you Arinze.
"With the direction the world is taking, we are gradually experiencing the drowning of religions."
Well, you'd better mention an evidence. Some religions are still growing (well, it's mainly Islam only). And I'm ignoring population growth here - I'm talking about conversion rates. By 2050, 12 M will switch into Islam and 9 M will switch out (+3 M).
The complete report by the PEW forum organization.
That's the second fastest growing faith after being "non-affiliated" which will increase by 61 M. Oww! but non-affiliated is not only 1 faith; we will need to break this down into Atheism, Agnosticism (and Neo-agnosticism), Deism, anti-theism (and theism itself), Skepticism, Freethinking, Humanism, Pantheism, etc.
Check their meaning:
Anyways, I have to admit that if I wasn't a Muslim, I'd be an agnostic (and possibly a Neo-agnostic). The issue is that I have more than enough evidence in Islam.
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