The Dangers of teen sex!!
Hello there,
Most of us teens know
almost everything about sex. We know what it is, and for some, how it’s done. I
just wanted to write this post to show you that not all that glitters is gold.
Not all that seems sweet and jelly is honey. You may have read about this topic
before in your health education textbook or from someone during a sex education
class. However, I wish to remind you that this is no classroom; this is one
teenager talking to another about the dangers of something that appears to be
what it’s not. Definitely, you must have heard that sex excites the body in
ways that cannot be fully explained to the limitations of the human language.
However, for those of you who may claim oblivious of this topic called ‘sex’, I’ll
do a little intro. Sex is the physical act of bringing to union the male sex
organ (the penis) and the female sex organ (the vagina). This act is formally
known as sexual intercourse. To most of you, what I’m about to say may seem
foolish or hackneyed, however the truth must be told. This thing called sex has
entangled a lot of us, teenagers, in the world today. We go to it most commonly
as a result of peer pressure (your friends are doing it, so you have to do it,
right?). Well, I have news! Sex is not as innocent as it may seem. Don’t get me
wrong. I am not an anti-sexual person. I just believe that doing it when your
still a teenager is not quite the best idea. Sex is something beautiful that
should be left for the sexually, and emotionally mature adults (in my book that
ranges from any age above 20). Why did I say this? I know you must be
wondering. Well, I’ll tell you. Sex, like every other thing in life, if started
prematurely, can boomerang on the person(s) doing it. Here are my reasons:
Teen sex makes you more prone to premature

Most of our girls
today may find sex something that they reserve for the guy they ‘love’. Ladies,
I have news. Guys now know that trick. They are now aware of that. They have mastered the art of seduction. They
seduce you into believing that they are in love with you. Guess what comes
next? You give yourselves to them thinking that they are genuinely in love with
you where they aren’t. Today, some guys would tell you “Babe, let’s do this
without protection. You can’t possibly get pregnant the first time.” Then the
story unfolds. You get pregnant. You’d tell him “Babe, I got pregnant.” His
first reaction would be to go on the defensive and deny it. Once that happens,
sweetie you are on your own; sorry you are in the company of your unborn child.
There you go. Another life damaged, another future crushed. What happened to
sex? She too left you. Where did your guy go? Of course he was the first to
check out.
are risking being infected by various diseases.

Everybody knows about
HIV/AIDS, STDs, gonorrhoea, syphilis, herpes, etc. These are the kind of stuff
that sex gives you on a silver platter. Condoms today are reducing in
effectiveness because most people don’t know how to use them. The best way to
steer clear of all these health complications in your life is to kiss sex
goodbye till you’re an adult. Why did I say this? Most teens don’t check
themselves up, they just go headlong into sexual activity. However, most
right-minded adults would run a test on themselves and their partners before
entering into sexual activity.
may regret it when you find someone you truly love

I’ll give you this
example. Say, you had sex as a teenager and you got pregnant, then to avoid the
shame, you got rid of the pregnancy. You thought the doctor had done a clean
job till you met this guy you love and you want to get married. He is a
thorough kind of person. He asks you to do a full check-up and he finds out
that you can’t have kids. It also happens that e loes kids and can’t get
married if you can’t give them to him. There goes Mr. Right. Do you now get
what I mean?
could get yourself on the wrong side of the law.

Did you know that it
is an offense against the law for an adult (18+) to have sex with a minor
(someone less than 18 years of age). Yes, it is. Imagine the scenario! After
having sex you go to jail; sad, right?
may get a bad reputation from your peers

This only happens if
you are surrounded by the right sort of peers. If you have friends who uphold
the standards of moral principles, you would be disregarded and would no longer
be welcomed nicely in their midst. However, if you have banal friends, friends
who believe anything goes and you should ‘enjoy’ your youth by having sex as a
teen, you would even be praised; if you’re lucky you may be
may be subjected to emotional turmoil

Definitely, this may
not come as a very noticeable after-effect, but trust me it’ll happen. You may
feel guilt for your actions, a loss of self-respect and a reduced self-esteem.
This could cause depression, accumulated self-hatred which sometimes, may lead
to teen suicide. I pray it doesn’t get to that.
So there you have it.
What seems so sweet in the mouth may be
very deadly to the stomach. Now you know all these, be smart about your sexual
activities. Be careful. Follow all the necessary precautions to ensure that you
do not get afflicted by any of these dangers. Even if you may choose to
continue having sex, pplllleeeeeeeaase use protection. Protect yourself for
your loved ones, those who would not want you to suffer. I do not want you to
suffer. That’s why I wrote this post. Stay safe, my dear.
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